Our SaaS solutions for VSEs and SMEs

OUR SAAS SOLUTIONS (approaching)

GEO-AUDITOR, our saas application for creating and sharing technical intervention reports georeferencedis approaching !

Under construction

We are launching our app soon, stay tuned !

Under Construction

We are launching our app soon, stay tuned !

Under construction

We are launching our app soon, stay tuned !

BUSINESSLINK, our innovative SaaS application is designed to simplify creation of scripted marketing content specifically for showcase sites for TPE and SME specialized in renovation and the emergency repairs.

Optimized for Google SEO, this content allows users to generate content that improves online visibility and increases organic traffic to their site.

In addition to its advanced SEO features, BusinessLink facilitates the connection between service providers and their potential customers by reinforcing 2 selling points: business achievements and ttestimonials from satisfied customers.

Examples of scripted content in a showcase website created with BusinessLink

Embedded Websites

The BusinessLink web page will be available very soon👏 👏 👏 !

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