You have anapp idea on paper, we are here to make it real!
Geovil Systems
specializes in developing application prototypes (Proof of Concept) dedicated to Grid Asset Management.
Customized solutions dedicated to the efficient management of assets (water, electricity, biological samples, etc.) on physical networks, such as energy infrastructures, telecommunication networks, and hospital services.
Our mission: to design and develop fully customized mobile and Webapplications from A to Z for our clients, combining GeoData
(GeoFencing), AI
(Machine Learning and Smart Voice Assistant), and Robotic Process Automation
Typology of Customers that use our applications
Automated Smart Alert
Our solution alerts you with automated voice messages if you are in close proximity to pre-defined specific areas. Using advanced geolocation technology, our system automatically detects your location and triggers voice notifications to inform you about events or important information related to these predefined areas based on the context.
Our "Automated Smart Alert" solution uses several artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to deliver smart and personalized alerts (see below). These technologies make the alerts smarter, faster, and better suited to users' needs.
Widget avec police Robotot
Smart Map (Spatial Data Analytics)
Our "Spatial Data Analytics" solution helps you perform compliance analyses (protocols, commitments, etc.) using a so-called "smart" map. This map integrates all analyzed information in various formats (images, videos, tweets, indicators, etc.). You simply need to click on the area of interest for the analysis results, generated by our AI algorithms, to be displayed immediately.
To create a smart map using spatial analysis and AI, the technologies we use are as follows.
Widget avec police Robotot
Robotic Automatisation Process (RPA)
Our process automation algorithms via robots delete time consuming tasks, for example report generating. Our solution streamline operations and kills costs.
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Dr. Etienne VU
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Founder - Partner
"Great words, poor deeds, Act rather than make eloquence contests"
Cristian LUNCASU
Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
"Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines"
Jean-Marie LAUNAY
Chief Science Adviser
Data Scientist
(Member of the French Acamedy of Medicine)
"In the scientific field, finding the right wording problem can often solve it"
Scientific Advisor in Utilities (Electricity, Gas, Water) Former Deputy Director for Ile-de-France West and Head of the Ile-de-France Studies Department at Enedis Over 40 years of experience
"As a utilities engineer, I don't just build infrastructure; I shape the sustainable future of our society, where every resource is optimized for collective well-being and harmony with our planet.